Thursday, August 18, 2011

10 Months Old!

 Our photo session did not go so well at first.  Cohen has learned that when he gets put in his bed.....most of the time it is to go to sleep.  He did not want to sleep.....and he freaked out.
He really wanted out of we had to change locations!
Cohen is learning so much.....I cannot believe all the new things that he is doing.
He is right around 22 lbs and is wearing 12-18 month clothes and size 4 diapers.
He has started communicating quite a bit.  I am just blown away....I think he is a genius! HA!
While we were on the cruise, Aunt Sara taught him to wave and say "HI".  He does it all the time, mostly to strangers....he has the cutest wave EVER!
I'm just really gonna brag now and list all the things that he says and does:  he says "dada" and "mama" but doesn't relate them to us so I'm not going to count those.  He points at my eyes and says "eye", if I ask where my nose is he points at my nose, when I ask him where his mouth is he says "aaahhh" and sticks his finger in his mouth.  He also shakes his hand at me and says "nononono" when he gets frustrated or I get on to him.  He also waves and says "diedie" which we find hilarious.
He LOVES to have his teeth brushed.  He giggles the whole time....not sure why it is so funny but it is to him.  He is all over the place and in to everything.  He can climb out of his high chair while buckled in with the tray on...crazy kid!
He loves Gavin and Nolen and he wants to play with their stuff so bad.  He gets really mad when they take anything from him.  He will "tell them off" in his own way.....pretty funny.  He is quite the entertainer....repeating any behavior that gets a laugh out of us.
He still sleeps great and naps great.  He is just so happy and smart and funny.  We cannot imagine life without him.