Thursday, October 11, 2007

Call me "Cowboy Gavin"

We have a serious cowboy in the house. Gavin is convinced that Papaw John (Eric's Dad) is buying him a black horse whose name will be "Bucky". He has requested to be addressed as "Cowboy Gavin" from now on. He has new John Deere cowboy boots, a vest, rope and a men's size small cowboy hat to fit his big head (thanks to President of the Big Head Club, Daddy). He even has the lingo down.....his favorites are "Howdy Pardner" and "YeeeHawww Cowboy". I am pretty sure Daddy is hoping he outgrows this stage and moves on to something like surfing, golfing or football. Gavin is hilarious.....some pics and video.


Devin said...

Omg he is such a boy!! Now Daddy needs to by him a barn and horse!!!

Anonymous said...

LOL, love it!

- jen k.