Tuesday, October 13, 2009


So....tomorrow is the day!
I will take my horribly gross magnesium citrate as soon as I leave Gavin's football game. I was supposed to start it at 5 but I REALLY don't want to miss his game so I am putting off....uh I mean postponing this not so fun part. Honestly, I forgot that I had to do this until I went to my pre-op appointment today.
Anyways...I have to be at the hospital at 10 tomorrow morning and the surgery is scheduled for 11:30. Just in case you are wondering....this surgery is for endometriosis. It is done laparoscopically so it is outpatient. However, this is my 2nd time having it (the 1st was before I got pregnant with Gavin)....according to the Dr. H it is harder the more you have it due to scar tissue, etc. I am not a big fan of having surgery......so all prayers would be appreciated.
Also, please pray that the surgery will be a "success" and Eric and I can add to our family very soon.
I'll keep you posted!!!


Mrs. B said...

Good luck Allison! I can't imagine how hard it must be to struggle for another baby; I hope it happens for you guys soon!