So.....I was driving this morning to get bloodwork done to find out if I am pregnant. I was praying and listening to my Kari Jobe CD and I looked over and saw this old semi. One the back of had one word. It was a really strange word to be on the back of a semi. It said..............................................
I stared at it for a few seconds.....and decided that it was a word from God for me. Of course it was....why else would that word be on the back of that truck today?.....definitely for me. God was telling me that finally this long fertility journey is over.
I just knew I was pregnant.......and I was right.
I don't want anyone to be mistaken and think that I am pregnant because of my fertiity Doctor. God works THROUGH Doctors and that is exactly what happened. He worked through my Doctor and is blessing Eric and I with a 3rd miracle! If you recall....from what my Doctor said my chances were not good.
I am so grateful to everyone who has prayed us through this difficult time. Infertility is NO is emotionally, financially and physically draining. Every time that I was discouraged....God laid me on someone's heart and I got a call, a text or an email. THANK YOU!!!!
All of your prayers and mine were answered today! Thank you Jesus!
I am so happy for you guys!! This is such a blessing. I will continue to pray for you guys!!
Yay~ We knew it was true too!!! So excited for you. I knew you would get your miracle and this completes your story to tell...yay!!
Such awesome news!
Great news!!! As Jen gets over morning sickness it can be your turn to begin. I heard that the transition from 2 to 3 kids is easier than 1 to 2 ...
YEA!!!! I knew 2010 was going to be our year! So excited for you all!
Allison, I'm so excited that God has answered our prayers. Your desire to honor God through your struggles with infertility has been an inspiration to so many! Now He is receiving the glory!
I'm so proud of you!
I Love YOu!
Just perfect! Isn't He so good:) THis makes my heart smile so big and it couldn't happen to a better family!
I am SO happy for you guys! Yay - we get to share in all the ups and downs of pregnancy together! What's your due date?
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