Wednesday, June 22, 2011

8 Months Old.......

He is in to everything! He LOVES cords....he knows where every single one is in our living room and the minute you put him down that is the first place he goes.  He is still doing his "soldier crawl" but he is very fast.  He has been getting up off his stomach and in to the crawling back and forth and then goes back to his belly. 

He is still wearing size 4 diapers and mostly 12-18 month clothes.  He is a big boy.  He is solid and his thighs are as big around as Nolen's.  He loves to clap and say "yay", is pointing and working on waving.  He has 6 teeth (2 on the bottom and 4 on top).  Cohen is a biter....shoulders, fingers and other things that provide him nourishment.  
 The 2 pictures below are to show you that he doesn't smile ALL the time. 
This is his "I'm getting annoyed face".
And this is his "seriously, I'm over this" face.
I am proud to announce that Cohen is sleeping in his own bed!!  It wasn't really my choice.  I kind of got a sign....a very loud, clear sign.  Cohen fell out of our bed.  It scared me so bad and Eric I decided that it was time. 
I took all the bumpers I crazy for doing this?  He is 8 months old.  Someone please tell me that I am not the only crazy person who can't sleep at night for worrying that my child's face is going to get stuck in the bumpers.
He woke up around 2:30 the first few nights and then slept with me until around 5:30.  I nursed him and then put him back in his bed and he slept til around 8:00.  The last 3 nights he has slept from about 10:30 until 6:30....nursed and then went back to sleep until around 8:30!  He did amazing.....I don't know what I was so worried about!
Cohen continues to be such a joy to our family.  The boys refer to him as "precious baby" and "the best baby in the world". 


Jen K. said...

We actually are the bad parents who put bummers in our crib starting at 7 months. But Kingston was constantly jamming his head into the rails and throwing his pacifier out.

I think it's perfectly normal, and recommended to take them out when they start rolling or something like that. So you are not crazy : )