Saturday, June 4, 2011

A 1st Grader? Really?

I am not sure how this happened....but I have a 1st grader.  Gavin says he wishes he could stay in Kindergarten--and I kind of agree with him!  He is growing up too fast!
We LOVED his teacher this year.  She was amazing with Gavin and totally put my our minds at ease.  At their awards ceremony, every one got an award from Ms. Sherrod.  Gavin got "Awesome all the time", which suits him well!  He also got zero tardy' Gifford's like to be on time. 
We are so proud of Gavin.  He is such an amazing little boy and so smart.  His vocabulary and way of thinking continue to entertain us.  He uses big words that he doesn't know what they mean and often pronounces them wrong--which is hilarious.  His new phrase is "well, that was awkward" which he often uses totally out of context. 

They don't do a regular field day in Kindergarten here but they did do a few team events. 
They did a balloon toss, which Gavin and his little partner managed to win even though he never caught the balloon!  It just kept bouncing on the ground but never popped.
They did a few others too but tug-of-war was definitely his favorite.  
We are looking forward to a great summer!  We have been staying up later and sleeping later (thank God)!  Gavin has been sleeping until about 9:15 every day and Nolen slept til 8:45 yesterday, which is a miracle!
We have been swimming every day.  We are looking forward to a visit from Nanu, Krista and Ayla in a few weeks and a cruise with Eric's family at the end of the summer!


ReBenMyers said...

your boys are the most handsome-ist boys I've seen. They are getting so big, so fast. I enjoy reading your blog.