Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Christmas Eve 2011

We had a great Christmas Eve!  We started it off with an amazing service at OneLife Church.  It was the perfect way to start off the evening....remembering what Christmas is really about. 
Afterwards, we headed out to Eric's parents house.  We had a great dinner, read the Christmas story and opened gifts.  The kids had a blast, such a great night!

Daddy and Cohen.


Adorable Elliott.
I said let me take your picture and she put her hand on her hip and gave me her best her!

Papaw with grandchildren #9 and #10.

The 2 best of about 30 pictures of our family.

Cohen and Caedmon "playing".

Cohen with his name stool....I think he likes it!

Gavin is so cool and grown up ;)

Nolen and Elliott

Nolen opening his present.....I think Gavin likes his gift.

Cohen getting a little help opening his gift.

How sweet is Baby Caedmon?

This is how the kids tell Mamaw thank you for their gifts....she is under there somewhere.

Eric has to make Christmas cookies every Christmas Eve with his Mommy. How sweet?

Cohen in his new pajamas.

Mommy and is past his bedtime.

Gavin and Nolen got to open a present from each other on Christmas Eve.