Thursday, February 5, 2009

Fun, Fun!!!

I got tagged on Facebook and thought I would put it on here. So, I went a little over 25....

Once you've been tagged, you are supposed to write a note with 25 random things, facts, habits, or goals about you. At the end, choose 25 people to be tagged. You have to tag the person who tagged you. If I tagged you, it's because I want to know more about you.

In no particular order.....

1. I am reading the Bible through chronologically this year...I love it!!!
2. Eric and I are high school sweethearts. We have been together for over 11 years.
3. I am married to the most wonderful husband/daddy ever...I am so blessed. Oh yeah....and he is HOT!!!
3. Both my boys were conceived through fertility.
4. I had a miscarriage in July after being told for years that I could never get pregnant on my own. I know that God was confirming to me that he works through Doctors but if he wants me to be pregnant...he doesn't need Doctors to make it happen.
5. We are currently trying to get pregnant without fertility.
6. Nolen's birth was the scariest experience of my life....he is truly a miracle. God was totally watching over me and my baby.
7. Being a Mommy is exactly what I have wanted to do my whole life.
8. Motherhood is the hardest thing I have ever done but I wouldn't trade it for anything.
9. I secretly want to sing at Church but I haven't sang since high school and I am scared (not a secret anymore I guess).
10. My Mom is married to one of my best friends from High School's Dad.
11. I grow more and more like my Mom everyday.
12. Since moving away from my entire family and my friends that I have known my whole life I have realized my need for "girlfriends".
13. I am shy and have a really hard time going up and talking to people that I don't know very well. Sometimes people think I am a snob because of it...but I am not.
14. Once I get to know you...I am not shy at all.
15. I have AWESOME in-laws...I am very blessed.
16. Both of my parents grew up in Cottondale, about redneck. Fruit stands and a gas station--thats it!
17. I was born at General Hospital in Fort Walton Beach, Florida.
18. I am very close to my Mom and Sister.
19. I take a bath EVERY night. It runs in my family. A bath solves anything!!
20. I used to hate reading but now I love it...I read every night in the bath.
21. Eric and I love sushi...we have to eat it when we go home. We have yet to find really good sushi here...just not as fresh.
22. I cannot dance to save my life--but my husband is a great dancer.
23. My niece was born with Cystic Fibrosis BUT has not had any symptoms and we are believing that she never will. Thank you Jesus!!
24. I miss Niceville....I hope to move back someday.
25. I am obsessed with washing my face. I wash it at least twice a day...and cannot sleep with makeup on ever.
26. I wish I was closer to my brother and I would like to see him and his family more.
27. I do not like to stay by myself....I do not sleep at all if Eric is out of town. Hate it.
28. I believe my boys are the most beautiful, smart, funny children every parent.


Anonymous said...

"You're getting more like your Mom that a good thing? :-)
