Thursday, February 5, 2009

Snow Day!!!

Well....good ole Knoxville got about 3 inches of snow in 2 hours on Monday. I dropped Gavin off at school at 9 as usual and went to work to do payroll and after about an hour and a half--got a call that they were closing the school and I needed to come and get him. So.....we went home and played in the snow!!!!

Our hizzy with pretty snow!!

Daddy and Nolen working on the snowman.

Daddy and Nolen....

Daddy and Gavin...

Nolen decided to eat snow....and mulch--bluck!

Nolen doesn't participate so well for pictures....can you tell?

Daddy and his boys with the snowman!

Our big boy....

Gavin loves the snow!!

Nolen making his snowman....


ReBenMyers said...

Wow, how fun!!! I can't wait to introduce my children to snow. I know they will love it. Your boys are just too precious. God Bless