Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Family Pictures!

We had family pictures a few weeks ago.  We had not had pictures done with all of us since Cohen was born.  With Gavin and Nolen I did so good and got their pictures taken every 3 months for the first year....with Cohen I had not had any done since he was born.   If you have ever been to my house or know me very well, you know I LOVE pictures {especially of my kids}.

Our friend Joscelyn took these. She had this great spot downtown and since it was near the railroad tracks we decided to go with a "vintage style" photo shoot. Eric had the idea of suspenders the night before pictures and so I went on a mission. It was a bit chaotic considering I was sewing Cohen's faux suspenders on his onesie about an hour before we had to leave.

I mean, I know I am biased but seriously......could these 3 boys be any more adorable???
I am so proud of my little family.  Now, if I can just add a little girl in this mix we will be good to go!
Daddy and his boys!
Nolen was really hammin' it up...he did such a great job!
My big boy!
LOVE these!


Krista said...

these pictures make me smile :)