Thursday, July 21, 2011

Three Quarters......

Cohen is 9 months old!
This is what Cohen's hair looks like just after a bath....when it isn't "fixed"!  I think it is hilarious!
Now that he has been sleeping in his bed for over a month.....he isn't very happy to be put in his crib for picture time. 
As you can see, Cohen is pulling up and standing.  He is starting to "cruise" and as you can see he can now hold on with only one hand.  He is quite proud of himself.  The second you put him down, he immediately finds something to stand up and hold on to. 
He still has 6 teeth, wears size 4 diapers and 12-18 month clothes.  He continues to be a dream baby when it comes to sleeping.....he sleeps from about 10:30 at night until 9:30 the next morning IN his crib without waking up!  I know.....I know....I am sooo blessed. 
This is his new face......he does it all the time.  I love it. 
He loves pretty much all food.  He had a hard time with meat at first but now he will eat anything.  He LOVES ice cream.....Daddy has it every.single.night and he gets really excited when he sees him getting it out!
He babbles all the time but isn't really saying anything.  He has a little temper and throws a fit and grabs his head when he gets mad.  It is so funny. 
We all love him so much!