Friday, July 15, 2011

This is the face of a POOP eater!

This morning Cohen and I got a shower.  When we got out I dried him off and sat his clean naked butt on the floor in my bedroom so that I could get dressed.  A few minutes later I hear him making a gagging noise.  I turn around and there is poop on the floor next to him.  He looks up at me and smiles and then I notice that he has a little piece of poop on his bottom lip!  O.M.G.  My almost 9 month old totally ate his own poop.  I looked in his mouth and couldn't see any "leftovers" so I don't know if he actually got any in his mouth or not.  He is still not the greatest with his hand to mouth coordination so I'm hoping he didn't actually swallow any--GAG!
I immediately flushed out his mouth with water and then brushed his teeth (I would want my teeth brushed if I had eaten poop).
That sweet, little, innocent, precious the face of a poop eater!


ReBenMyers said...

Hillarious! My AddyJane liked to take her diaper off and smear it all over her room and it would be in her hands, hair, face and everywhere else in the room. I am sure she would get it in her mouth because she was a thumb sucker!!!!