Thursday, August 18, 2011

First Day of School!

Gavin started school this week.  He was not very excited.  For about a week before he started he tried every day to talk me in to homeschooling him.  He gave me all the reasons that it would be best for both of us.  We could sleep later, he could do school in his "comfy's", I wouldn't have to pack his lunch and he could eat at home, he could play with his own toys at recess.  They were all good reasons....but he still had to start school bright and early Monday.

I cannot get over how much he has changed since his first day of Kindergarten.  He looks so grown up!

August 2010--Gavin's first day of Kindergarten.

First day of 1st grade.

Gavin is such a smart little boy.  We are so proud of him.

Nolen started his last first day of Mothers Day Out this week too.  Next year this time.....Nolen will be going to Kindergarten! babies are growing way too fast. 
He didn't really want to go either.  Ha.....I don't know what is wrong with my kids.  It must be because they have so much fun at home with us that they don't want to go back to school!
Once he got there, he had a great day!
We had to fill out a little information sheet and I asked Nolen the questions and wrote his answers.  His favorite food is spaghetti, his favorite thing to do at school is play and when he grows up he wants to be like his Daddy (he is well on his way).


Krista said...

oh my goodness in the close up pic of gavin with the red straps -he looks so much like his momma!!! They are so cute!!!