Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Cohen is 1....say what?

Cohen is ONE today!  I cannot believe it.  I know it is so cliche to say.."time flies" but it totally does!
Cohen is a great eater.  He will pretty much eat anything I offer him.  I think our days of baby food are numbered....he wants whatever we are eating.  He is done nursing.  Nolen was so attached to nursing and it took forever to wean him.  Cohen could care less.  I could tell he was starting to get distracted and would only nurse for a minute on each side so I started cutting feedings.  I have this fear of him suddenly quitting and me getting Mastitis (which is what happened with Gavin).  It has been 2 days since he nursed and he just doesn't care.  It is kind of sad....he isn't a baby anymore.
He is very busy!  Always in to some sort of trouble.  He has almost eaten dog food and has played in the toilet.....twice.  It is hard to keep that lid down....just ask Gavin and Nolen.  He can climb out of his walker and climbs in to and on top of his toy basket.  He can stand for as long as he wants but has zero interest in walking.
He is still in a size 4 diaper and weighs just under 23 lbs.  He has definitely slowed down on growing.....and still wears mostly 12-18 month clothes.  
He has nothing to do with a pacifier but will not go to sleep without sucking on his elephant.  I ordered 2 more of them and I now have a rotation to keep them from getting stinky.
He jibber jabbers....a lot.  He will try to say most things I ask him to if he is in the mood.  Most words sound nothing like the actual word but at least he is trying.
He is definitely not shy and will go to anyone who will take him.  He reaches for everyone....even strangers in the grocery store.  
I have to tell a funny story about the birthday boy.  One night last week, Gavin and Nolen went to spend the night with Eric's parents and we took Cohen and went to dinner.  We went to this little Mexican Restaurant and it is so yummy but the tables are on top of each other.  We were sitting really close to a table with 3 younger women at it.  Cohen would not quit staring at them.  He kept turning around and smiling and waving at them.  He was totally flirting with them.  There was an empty chair at their table and he kept grabbing it and pulling on it.  Eric got on to him a couple of times and he didn't stop, so the 3rd time he smacked his hand and told him "NO".  Cohen looked at Eric and then looked at the girls, turned around and gave Eric this look that said, "Daaaaddddd, you totally embarrassed me in front of these pretty girls!!"  Then he started crying his pitiful--you hurt my feelings cry.  He was so mad at Eric, he kept giving him dirty looks....it was so funny.
Anyways, Cohen has had a great first year of life and we all feel so blessed to have been a part of it.  He is just the happiest most lovable little boy.  I love him so much!  
Stay tuned for pictures of his 1st birthday bash and his 1 year pictures!


Mama O said...

Happy Birthday, Little Man! You are such a doll!