Tuesday, October 25, 2011

My Big Boy.

I had a parent/teacher conference with this little toothless cutie's teacher yesterday.  It is so interesting to hear about your child from another person's perspective.  Eric and I have often wondered if other people get to see the same Gavin that we do.  When we are around people that he doesn't know, he always comes across as quiet and shy.  We know a very different side of him--a smart, funny, loving and sometimes wild kid.....but we didn't know if others get to see that.  Well......we are happy to know that they do!
{Gavin lost his front top tooth last night!  So adorable!}

His teacher had nothing but amazing things to say about him.  She did say that he was very shy and quiet the first few weeks but that went away once he got used to his environment, teacher and classmates.  He is definitely like me in a lot of ways.  Eric is comfortable in any situation and just doesn't care what anyone else thinks about him....a quality I wish I had.  I am not shy or quiet but when people first meet me they think that I am.  It just takes me a little while to warm up.  
{today was Hat Day at school}

I knew that he was doing well in school based on his report card that came home on Friday.  He had all A's and E's.  She said he is a quick learner and very bright.
She said that he is very popular...especially with the little girls.  I mean....look at that face?  Of course he is!  He is definitely not interested in girls yet but she said they all love him.  HA!
She also said that he is nice to everyone.  This made Eric and I very happy.  Every morning when I take him to school I pray for him (my Mom did it every single day from kindergarten until I graduated high school) and I always say "help him to be kind to everyone".  It's good to know he is listening.
He definitely makes his Mommy and Daddy so proud.
Ok...I am done bragging for now.


Mama O said...

That is so awesome! Isn't it wonderful to have a little confirmation from an objective source that you're doing at least SOME of this parenting stuff right? Hooray for you guys!