Saturday, January 9, 2010

Catching Up!

Ok...we have had A LOT going on! With Gavin's birthday, Christmas, family in town, and then Nolen's birthday...there has not been much time for blogging.

I finally got my Christmas Pictures uploaded on the computer so....without further ado (adeau, adu??)--Christmas Pictures-part 1!! I know you can barely contain your excitement...

All the Gifford cousins.....8 so far!!! I think we need at least 2 more girls to even things out ;)!

Gavin waiting patiently for his proud of my big 5 year old!

Nolen opening his gift!

Nolen and Gavin on the night before Christmas Eve....they got to open their Christmas ornaments.

Nolen with his "surfer ornament"

Gavin with his "football ornament"

Nolen with his Diego!

Gavin with his new Nintendo I really have a child old enough to have a DS?

Nolen and Elliott LOVE each other.....

A Christmas Eve kiss on the nose!

Me and my handsome husband!


Krista said...

love the pics! 2more girls huh? Are you going to be the one put them there? Hope so!! <3u