Saturday, September 25, 2010

Johnny Appleseed is a least according to Gavin.

Gavin learned about Johnny Appleseed last week at school.  He came home Tuesday and was sitting at the kitchen table doing his homework.  All of a sudden he says, "I don't really know who this Johnny Appleseed guy is....but he sounds like a big dork!"  Then he says, "I mean I would never say that to his face...but seriously, who wears a pot on their head!"  It is good to know that he wouldn't talk badly about someone to their face.....only behind their back.  Lord help me. 

As the week went on, Gavin made a pot for his head and really got into the whole Johnny Appleseed thing.  He informed me that Johnny wears the pot on his head so he always has a pot for when he comes across a he can cook his apples of course. 
His teacher said that he had lots of questions at school about why it would be necessary to wear a pot on your head.....can't you just put it in your bag or something?
He cracks me up....I love him.


Krista said...

he is so funny!!! I love it!!

Dianne Guthmuller said...

He's such a thinker!!!! LOL

I love that kid!


Jen K. said...

LOL, this is awesome!