Monday, August 17, 2009

Fun at the Track!

Sara and the kids were in town. We played tourist for the day and headed up to Gatlinburg. We went on a Dinosaur ride that Gavin loved but scared poor Nolie to death. After that we went to the Track. We have one back home in Destin that I used to go to all the time as a kid and teenager. The kids had so much fun!

Copeland riding go karts.

Gavin riding go karts.

They thought they were so cool!

Poor Nolen had to ride all the rides by himself.....

Kellen got to ride the "big boy go karts" as Gav says.

Gavin, Copeland and Nolen had fun riding this. They loved the man in the background. He would give them five as the came around and had them clapping and singing.

Clayton and Devin did this....judging by the look on their face--it didn't seem like much fun!