Monday, March 22, 2010

8 Week Update!

Here it is......
THIS is my 8 week pregnant belly.  It is crazy....I remember wanting so badly to show with Gavin and I honestly think I was 15 weeks before my belly looked like it does right now with #3.  Apparently, this is what happens with show sooner.  I am not least I am skipping the "is she fat or pregnant phase"!!
I am feeling ok.  The nausea has definitely set in.  Eric and I went to dinner with some friends Friday night to an amazing Italian Restaurant and I could hardly eat.  Nothing sounds good and nothing tastes good. 

I did the birth chart on one of the websites and it says I am having a boy!!  It was wrong with Gavin and Nolen so I am hoping it is wrong this time too and we will have a girl!


Krista said...

pretty lady!! What does it mean when your 5 weeks prego with your 2nd child and your belly already looks like that??...I think im in the She's fat stage...but it looks like a baby belly already!! Im gonna go do the birth chart right now!! <3 u

Anonymous said...

I can't get past your beauty. I'm not kidding you've got that pregnant glow already!

So excited!

Love you!

Jen K. said...

You look great!!!

I, on the other hand, have recently been told twice "Oh you're about to pop!", even though I still have over two months left. Why do people say that? I don't say "Wow you're fat!" back, but I'm not making any promises it's not going to come blurting out one of these days. Pregnancy is making me mean ; )

Lori said...

Girl, I show sooner each time!