Gavin was already swimming without swimmies by the time he was Nolen's age. So....Eric is determined to have Nolen swimming by the end of the summer. We have a pool and we definitely want him to know how to swim in case of an emergency. Eric taught him to swim to the edge and hold on and work his way to the stairs. He did great!
He drank quite a bit of water and in perfect Nolen fashion.....threw up after he finished swimming. He said that his tummy hurt, threw up all the water he drank (and his popsicle) and has been fine ever since.
Don't ask me what he is screaming before he jumps in the water....I have no clue!! (Possibly counting??!)
Hello world!
5 years ago
Wow! He's come a long way in a short time! His little hiney is so cute sticking up in the air! Love you!
Yay, Nolen! So great, Ali!
Brogan and I will have to come over again before the new little ones debut. We can beach ourselves by the pool while the kids splash around.
What a cutie pie! He looks so BIG in the video!
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