Friday, July 2, 2010


I know it has been a while since I last posted.....I can't think of anything to say. Weird--I know.

I did get a couple of cute maternity shirts....

This one....It says "This is how I roll"

And this one....which I was wearing for my 20 week post.

Gavin and I went shopping the other day and ordered the crib.  I planned on using Nolen's furniture but his crib got recalled.  So.....we got a voucher to get a new one.  Fortunately, we were able to find one that was similar to the one we had so it will go with the changing table.
I told Eric that I feel like this pregnancy is flying by but we are not getting anything done.  We are using Nolen's bedding but I want the nursery to be completely different and we have a lot to do. 
Poor baby has No Name.  We have completely changed our mind on names.  I really want to make a decision but Eric is not in any hurry.
I am in a serious sewing rut!  I ordered some REALLY cute fabric to make some stuff.  I have a gift that I really need to make, the baby is already here and he is going to be six months old before I get it done!  I just cannot seem to get motivated and when I do.....I seem to have no brain and mess it all up and end up REALLY frustrated.  Eric says I am "pregarted".  It means I am pregnant and retarded and just farted!  HA!  I was going to leave out the farted part.....but what pregnant woman isn't gassy?  It is just part of it.
Well, that is enough randomness for now.